How to Motivate and Inspire Through Writing

Since we as writers put little pieces of ourselves and our beliefs in every book or writing project we release, we tend to bare our souls through our work. Everything we write and release to the public will always have an impact on someone whether it’s intentional or not. Because of this, there is always a possibility to use your words and your platform to inspire and motivate your audience, regardless of the genre.

With the resurgence of self-care and mental health prioritization, there has been an influx of interest in self-help books that provide guidance and advice. Everyone is seeking understanding, and these self-help books can give readers that. This is the path that will allow you to fully offer motivational words as it is a genre that is expected to be motivational. If you feel called to offer guidance to those who are seeking it, writing self-help articles or books may be beneficial for you and your target audience. Sometimes, after we have experienced something that completely changed our outlook on life, writing about it can help us cope, heal, or dissect our experience. This can then lead us to wanting to tell others our success story or healing journey in hopes to encourage them on theirs or give them advice on how to handle a similar situation. If you are seeking a more traditional and direct approach to inspirational writing, this is the perfect path for you.

You can also inspire your audience in fiction. Creating a protagonist who goes on a fierce and interesting journey can be immensely inspirational. Seeing someone, even though it is fictional, go through similar experiences as us or feel similar emotions to us can make us feel empowered. It is the mindset of “If they can do it, I can do it.” The words you write indirectly motivate the audience, especially if they feel as if they relate to one of your characters. We read about characters constantly facing defeat but never giving up until they win in the end, and it inspires us to adopt the same attitude. The relatability of the character’s trials and emotional turmoil allows us to connect with them, and the situations or people that encourage them to do better can in turn encourage the readers to want to do better. It almost feels as if we can put ourselves in the shoes of the protagonist or the character we are relating to, making it so that we are the ones being encouraged because of it. While you aren’t directly speaking to the audience, the way you depict your characters’ failures and achievements can still impact and encourage your audience.

You can also use literature to directly inspire your audience through poetry. Poetry is one of the most expressive ways to write, so it’s an amazing choice if you are looking to write inspirational works. The rhythm of poetry can make your writing seem lyrical in nature, and everyone loves a good hype song. It also provides easy access for motivation because your audience can revisit the poem for a quick pick me up.

Writing is such a creative field that you can easily use your talents to convey any message you want. Using your words to inspire or motivate can be done in any genre because it all depends on the words you write. While self-help books can be the most direct way to be motivational, motivation can be found in anything you write—it may even be unintentionally inspirational to a reader. Your words will always leave an impact on someone, so use your platform to accomplish your goal, even if it does not seem to be the most traditional route. Remember: if an advertisement can provide inspiration to someone, you can provide inspiration in anything you write.


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