Book Marketing and Book Publicity Services

I remember feeling a lot of excitement, anxiety and uncertainty when I first became an author. I wasn’t sure how I was going to sell books. Through another friend, I met a book publicist, but I couldn’t afford to hire her. I quickly realized I was on my own and had to learn the hard way.

Central Texas author coaches aspiring authors through book-writing process; inspires kids to enjoy literature

WACO, Texas (KWTX) – After publishing six books, a Central Texas author is spending her time sharing her love of books with local students, while also sharing her knowledge of book-writing with adults.

Can I use social media content to write a book?

The short answer is yes. It’s simple; content is content. It doesn’t matter what type of program you use to write it. If you have consistently used social media (ex: Facebook, Instagram) to expound on a topic of your interest, you can use it to construct your book.

I was a young ambitious writer. I wanted to share hope. I wanted to share faith. I wanted to touch hearts. I’m grateful for growth, and I’m also thankful for the entire journey— all of it! It’s been a true blessing. -Kennisha

Enjoy the journey!

I’ve had the extreme pleasure of working with many different authors over fifteen years. Fifteen years. That timespan alone gives me pause. My oldest son was a baby when I first expressed a serious interest in writing books. I always loved communicating and was once labeled a “motor mouth.” Who would have known I’d commitContinue reading “Enjoy the journey!”

Why writers need to read

I love it when I come across blogpost from writers who get it. In the decade I’ve been working with new and experienced authors, there’s a couple of things I’ve learned. 1. Not all aspiring authors who want to be published want to be a “Writer.” 2. Writers who want to be published love andContinue reading “Why writers need to read”